Welcome to the Media Center
Monday - Friday 7:55-3:00
Visit the Media Center for a quiet atmosphere to read, finish homework, or complete a make-up test.
Visit the Media Center for materials check-out or check-in.
You may also visit the Media Center with a pass from your classroom teacher. The Media Center is your place to go for maker needs and video recording when projects are due!
Mission Statement
The Media Center is committed to equipping the 21st Century Learner by providing quality print and electronic resources, fostering information literacy skills through effective research and retrieval, and establishing digital citizenship and ethical use standards.
The Coppinville Junior High School Media Center supports the Alabama College and Career Ready Standards, the basis of our school curriculum, and the Information Literacy Skills published by the American Association of School Librarians and the American Library Association.
Teachers! Sign up to reserve the iPad carts or individual iPads, laptop cart or individual laptops, or Chromebook cart or individual Chromebooks. You may also reserve the Media Center for your classes and/or schedule collaboration time or Maker Space time with the Media Specialist.
Printouts and Copies
Copies - $ .25 per page
Black/white printouts - $ .25 per page
Color printouts - $ .50 per page